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Guidelines safe storage and handling of containers carrying dangerous goods / hazardous substances

ID 17592 | | Visite: 2139 | Documenti Merci Pericolose ENTIPermalink:

Guidelines safe storage and handling of containers carrying dangerous goods   hazardous substances

Guidelines safe storage and handling of containers carrying dangerous goods and hazardous substances

ID 17592 | CEFIC/ECTA 2018 / In attachment

The scope of this Guideline is the safe (intermediate) open-air storage and handling of hazardous and non-hazardous goods in tank- and box container at small and medium sized container terminals. The handling includes among others, placing into and releasing from storage, transport inside the terminal, sampling, heating/ cooling and transferring product from container to container.

Not in scope are the large deep-sea marine shipment container terminals. Nor is the storage of:
- Explosive products and substances (GHS Symbol 01; H200-H205)
- Ammonia nitrate and ammonium nitrate containing formulations (Weight percent > 10%)
- Organic Peroxides and formulations of these, unless they contain less than:
- - 5 % of organic peroxides or
- - 0,5 % active oxygen from organic peroxides and additionally the weight percent of hydrogen peroxides is below 5%
- Radioactive substances
- Hazardous substances with the danger of infection.

The guidance provided in this Guideline is based on an assessment of the typical risks present in a small-medium sized container storage terminal and best practices from the companies that contributed to this Guideline. The Model Container Terminal Risk Assessment can be found in Appendix 1 and might form the starting point of a risk assessment of a specific terminal. In that case, it should always be reviewed in detail to take into account local circumstances, chemicals stored and local processes.

Section 2 focusses on the general operations at a container terminal including site access for people, equipment and containers. Section 3 provides guidance on the storage of containers including container segregation and stacking. Equipment and its inspection and maintenance is addressed in Section 4, while Section 5 is looking deeper into the handling of containers e.g. in moving, lifting and heating. The last section provides guidance on when operations go wrong and an emergency situation occurs.
A (self)-assessment form provided in Appendix 3 will allow terminal management and potential customers to assess the current situation at a terminal against the guidance and best practices in this Guideline.
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