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Two news substances of very high concern (SVHCs) added to the Candidate List

ID 1666 | | Visite: 5885 | Documenti Chemicals ECHAPermalink:

Two news substances of very high concern (SVHCs) added to the Candidate List

The first new entry covers a series of mixed alkyl diesters (EC 271-094-0, CAS 68515-51-5; EC 272-013-1, CAS 68648-93-1) which were added to the list due to their reproductive toxicity properties where they contain ≥ 0.3% of dihexyl phthalate (EC No. 201-559-5).

These substances are used for example as plasticisers and lubricants, including use in adhesives, coatings, building material, cable compounding, polymer foils, PVC compounds and artist supply (e.g. modelling clay and finger paints).

The second SVHC has been added as a group entry with very persistent and very bioaccumulative properties. This group of substances covers for example, the product with the trade name "karanal". Public information sources indicate that the main use of karanal is as a fragrance ingredient.

ECHA took the decision to include these two substances on the Candidate List based on proposals by Sweden and the Netherlands respectively, following the SVHC identification process with involvement of the Member State Committee. The Candidate List now contains 163 substances. Of those, 31 have subsequently been included in the Authorisation List.

Helsinki, 15 June 2015

Scarica questo file (ECHA Candidate Liste June 2015.pdf)Candidate Liste June 2015
ECHA 2015
EN198 kB1119

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