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Guidance for the safe management of hazardous medicinal products at work

ID 19533 | | Visite: 968 | Documenti Sicurezza UEPermalink:

Guidance for the safe management of hazardous medicinal products at work

Guidance for the safe management of hazardous medicinal products at work

ID 19533 | 02.05.2023

This European Commission guide provides practical examples for reducing workers’ exposure to hazardous medicinal products across all lifecycle stages: production, transport and storage, preparation, administration to human patients and animal patients as well as waste management.

The non-binding guidance offers a broad range of practical advice for workers, employers, public authorities and safety experts to underpin their approaches to workers’ protection from hazardous medicinal products.

For the purposes of this guide, hazardous medicinal products (HMPs) are defined as medicinal products that contain one or more substances that meet the criteria for classification as:

- Carcinogenic (category 1A or 1B),
- Mutagenic (category 1A or 1B) or
- Toxic for reproduction (category 1A or 1B)

in accordance with Regulation (EC) n. 1272/2008 (the CLP Regulation). This includes medicinal products for both human and veterinary use.


Fonte: EU OSHA 2023

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EU OSHA 2023
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Tags: Sicurezza lavoro Rischio chimico Abbonati Sicurezza Agente chimico

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