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Proposal for guidelines Directive 2013/59/Euratom

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Proposal for guidelines 2013 59 Euratom

Proposal for guidelines for the transposition and implementation of the provisions of Directive 2013/59/Euratom on EP&R

Final report - Study 2018

This report presents a survey on the strategies and plans of 10 selected EU member states (MS) for the transposition and implementation of the EP&R provisions of the BSS Directive. With a view to supporting more coherent approaches to the implementation of the BSS Directive, it presents results of a survey to identify the main emergency preparedness and response topics of the Directive for which further guidelines appear to be mostly welcomed by the MS.

This report analyses also the international standards and guidance (IAEA, ICRP) to assess to what extent they could fulfil the needs for the transposition and the implementation of the provisions related to the EP&R provisions of the BSS Directive.

The European Atomic Energy Community has established in the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation (BSS) an advanced set of safety standards to protect workers, members of the public and patients. It entered into force on 6 February 2014 and is to be transposed into Member States’ (MS) national legislation by 6 February 2018.

In December 2015, the Council of the European Union adopted a set of Council Conclusions pertaining to off-site emergency preparedness and response (EP&R) serving to highlight the importance of EP&R to policymakers, decision-makers and the public in the EU.

The Council Conclusions emphasize measures to improve coordination and to better align EP&R arrangements among MS, especially in cases where an accident may affect neighbouring countries.

The European Commission is invited to organise workshops to facilitate the consistent transposition and implementation of the BSS Directive, aiming at developing a coherent approach to EP&R provisions of the Directive, including discussion of:

- Protection strategies and optimization approaches, including the use of reference levels;
- Generic criteria, operational criteria, default triggers;
- Arrangements for the transition from emergency to existing exposure situations;
- Emergency response arrangements and information to the public.


2 Methodology
3 Provisions of the BSS Directive on EP&R
3.1 The new BSS Directive
3.2 General description of new and extended provisions in the BSS Directive
3.2.1 Emergency management system
3.2.2 International cooperation
3.2.3 Emergency response
3.2.4 Reference levels for public exposures in an emergency exposure situation
3.2.5 Protection of emergency workers
4 Challenges in the implementation of EP&R provisions under the BSS Directive
5 ICRP and IAEA standards and recommendations pertaining to EP&R
5.1 ICRP Publications
5.2 IAEA Safety Standards and technical guidance
5.2.1 Safety Standards
5.2.2 Technical Guidance
6 Transposition status of the EP&R provisions of the BSS Directive by the 10 selected MS
7 Need for guidelines or recommendations
8 The HERCA working groups on EP&R
9 Discussion on the topics related to EP&R of the BSS Directive
9.1 Transition from an emergency exposure situation to an existing exposure situation including recovery and remediation
9.1.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.1.2 Available international guidance
9.1.3 Preliminary guidance or recommendations
9.2 Generic criteria for particular protective measures, default triggers, operational criteria for particular actions
9.2.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.2.2 Available international guidance
9.2.3 Preliminary guidance or recommendations
9.3 Protection strategies for the public and optimisation approaches
9.3.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.3.2 Available international guidance
9.3.3 Preliminary guidance or recommendations
9.4 Reference levels
9.4.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.4.2 Available international guidance
9.4.3 Preliminary guidance or recommendations
9.5 Involvement of stakeholders
9.5.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.5.2 Available international guidance
9.5.3 Preliminary guidance or recommendations
9.6 Reference levels for emergency occupational exposure
9.6.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.6.2 Available international guidance
9.7 Assessment of potential emergency exposure situations and associated public and emergency occupational exposures
9.8 Information to the public (likely to be affected or actually affected in the event of an emergency)
9.8.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.8.2 Available international guidance
9.8.3 Preliminary guidance or recommendations
9.9 Prior information and training for emergency workers and all other persons with duties and responsibilities in emergency response
9.9.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.9.2 Available international guidance
9.9.3 Preliminary guidance or recommendations
9.10 International cooperation
9.10.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.10.2 Available international guidance
9.11 Health protection of emergency workers
9.11.1 Issues to be further addressed
9.11.2 Available international guidance
10 Proposal for guidelines
10.1 Transition from an emergency exposure situation to an existing exposure situation including recovery and remediation
10.2 Generic criteria for particular protective measures, default triggers, operational criteria for particular actions
10.3 Protection strategies for the public and optimisation approaches
10.4 Reference levels for public exposure
10.5 Involvement of stakeholders
10.6 Reference levels for emergency occupational exposure
10.7 Assessment of potential emergency exposure situations and associated public and emergency occupational exposures
10.8 Information to the public (likely to be affected or actually affected in the event of an emergency)
10.9 Prior information and training for emergency workers and all other persons with duties and responsibilities in emergency response
10.10 International cooperation
10.11 Health protection of emergency workers
11 Conclusions
12 References
Annex 1: Questionnaire sent to the 10 selected MS on the transposition and implementation of the BSS provisions on EP&R
Annex 2: Questionnaire on EP&R sent to HERCA and WENRA
Annex 3: Compilation of the answers received by HERCA-WENRA to the questionnaire
Annex 4: Provisions of the BSS Directive on EP&R


Fonte: Commissione Europea


Tags: Sicurezza lavoro Rischio radiazioni ionizzanti Abbonati Sicurezza

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