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UNI EN 16712-4:2018 | Apparecchiature schiumogene portatili

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UNI EN 16712-4:2018 | Apparecchiature schiumogene portatili

UNI EN 16712-4:2018 Attrezzature portatili alimentate da pompe antincendio per il getto di agenti estinguenti - Apparecchiature schiumogene portatili - Parte 4: Generatori PN 16 di schiuma ad alta espansione

La norma si applica ai generatori di schiuma ad alta espansione, con un rapporto di espansione maggiore di 200:1, la cui unica fonte di alimentazione esterna è la pressione e/o il flusso dell'acqua fornita al dispositivo. Ciò è usato dai mezzi antincendio e di soccorso e definisce la loro specifica e le procedure di prova.

Data entrata in vigore: 13 settembre 2018

Recepisce: EN 16712-4:2018


In allegato Preview EN 16712-4:2018 riservato Abbonati

EN 16712-4:2018 - Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by firefighting pumps - Portable foam equipment - Part 4: High expansion foam generators PN16

1.1 This document applies to high expansion foam generators, having an expansion ratio greater than 200:1, whose only source of external power is the pressure and/or flow of the water supply to the device. This is used by fire and rescue services and contains their specification and test procedures. NOTE In this document, the term"foam generator" also refers to "high expansion foam generator".

1.2 This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events, with the exception of noise, relevant to high expansion foam generator, when it is used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.

1.3 This document does not cover misting applications.

1.4 This document is not applicable to high expansion foam generators which have been manufactured before its date of publication as EN.

Fonte: UNI

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Tags: Prevenzione Incendi Abbonati Prevenzione Incendi

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