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Selection PPE

Selection of Personal Protective Equipment

EIGA - Doc 136/17 (Revised publication)

The first principle of safety risk mitigation should be elimination, substitution and engineering controls. When exposure to hazards cannot be completely engineered out from the work area and tasks, and when safe work practices and other forms of administrative controls cannot provide sufficient additional protection, then a supplementary method of control is the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

This publication provides guidance on a work process for selecting and using PPE at work. Selection tables are included which are general examples of PPE for protecting personnel against hazards that could cause harm.

The publication is intended to provide guidance and examples in selection and use of PPE. It supplements other techniques for assessing and controlling risk and is intended for all involved in the selection of PPE.

The publication is part of the programme to develop Globally Harmonised publications amongst Regional Gas Associations.


Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Scope and purpose
3 Definitions
3.1 Publication terminology
3.2 Technical definition
4 General Requirements
4.1 Responsibilities
4.2 Risk assessments for selecting personal protective equipment
4.3 Maintenance of personal protective equipment
4.4 Storage
4.5 Training
4.6 Personnel
4.7 Records
4.8 Identification of areas where personal protective equipment is required
5 Personal protective equipment assessments, selection, and specifications
5.1 Hearing protection
5.2 Eye and face protection
5.3 Respiratory protection
5.4 Head protection
5.5 Fall protection
5.6 Hand protection
5.7 Protective footwear
5.8 Protective clothing
6 References
Table 1 Eye and face protection selection
Table 2 Respiratory protection selection
Table 3 Head protection selection
Table 4 Fall protection selection
Table 5 Hand protection selection
Table 6 Typical footwear specifications
Table 7 Protective footwear selection
Table 8 Protective clothing selection

Fonte: EIGA


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Tags: Sicurezza lavoro Dispositivi Protezione Individuale DPI Abbonati Sicurezza

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