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Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL)

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Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories  BMBL

Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) 

ID 17632 | Ed. 6th 2020 CDC US

Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) has served as the cornerstone of biosafety practice in the United States since its initial release in 1984. We wish to emphasize that the sixth edition of BMBL remains an advisory document recommending best practices for the safe conduct of work in biomedical and clinical laboratories from a biosafety perspective. The BMBL is not intended to be a regulatory document, although we recognize that some may use it in that way. The core principle of this document is protocol-driven risk assessment; it is not possible for a single document to identify all of the possible combinations of risks and mitigations feasible in biomedical and clinical laboratories. The BMBL should be used as a tool in the assessment and proposed mitigation steps in biomedical and clinical laboratories.

This edition of BMBL includes revised sections, agent summary statements, and appendices. We harmonized the recommendations included in this edition with guidance issued and regulations promulgated by other organizations and federal agencies. Wherever possible, we clarified both the language and intent of the information provided. In order to serve the needs of our community better, this edition includes new appendices on the following topics: inactivation and verification; laboratory sustainability; large-scale biosafety; and clinical laboratory biosafety.

Over 200 of our scientific and professional colleagues contributed to the preparation of the sixth edition through participation in technical working groups and serving as reviewers, guest editors, and subject matter experts. We wish to thank them all for their dedication and hard work. Without them, the sixth edition of BMBL would not be possible. We also recognize the hard work and contributions made by all who participated in preparation of the previous editions of BMBL; we have built on their solid work and commitment.
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