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Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Buildings - Worked Examples

ID 2303 | | Visite: 8553 | EurocodiciPermalink:

Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Buildings - Worked Examples

This document is a report with worked examples presenting step-by-step the design of a reinforced concrete cast on site building following Eurocode 2.

The design process has been divided between different authors, some of whom were involved in the preparation and/or assessment of Eurocode 2.

Each chapter of the report focuses on a different step in the design process: conceptual design, structural analyses, limit states design and verification, detailing of the reinforcement as well as some geotechnical aspects of building design. Last chapter gives general overview of the fire design according to the Eurocodes.

The materials were prepared and presented at the workshop "Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Buildings" held on 20 21 October 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. The workshop was organized by JRC with the support of DG ENTR and CEN, and in collaboration with CEN/TC250/Sub-Committee 2.

The document is part of the Report Series 'Support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes' prepared by JRC in collaboration with DG ENTR and CEN/TC250 "Structural Eurocodes".

European Commission 2014

Eurocodes: Background & Applications Structural Fire Design

Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Buildings - Worked Examples

Gli Eurocodici (EC) sono norme europee per la progettazione strutturale. Si allineano alle norme nazionali vigenti e consentono al professionista l'utilizzo di criteri di calcolo comuni ed adottabili anche all'estero.
L'Eurocodice 2 è dedicato alle strutture in calcestruzzo non armato, armato e precompresso.

Eurocodici: cronistoria

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