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Report on the exchange of information under the PIC Regulation in 2022-2023

ID 23101 | | Visite: 20 | Documenti Chemicals ECHAPermalink:

Report on the exchange of information under the PIC Regulation in 2022 2023

Report on the exchange of information under the PIC Regulation in 2022-2023

ID 23101 | 12.12.2024

In 2022 and 2023, the Union transmitted 9 414 and 9 277 export notifications, respectively. These related to 113 PIC chemicals for exports to 153 non-EU countries in 2022, and 132 PIC chemicals for exports to 150 non-EU countries in 2023.

The number of export notifications forwarded in 2022 (9 414) decreased by ca. 5 % compared to 2021 (9 906) however, the decrease in 2023 compared to 2022 was less (ca. -1 %).

The number of PIC chemicals2 for which export notifications were sent increased from 106 (in 2021) to 132 (in 2023). The number of non-EU countries to which notifications were transmitted remained similar – in 2021 exports were notified to 152 non-EU countries and in 2023 to 150 countries.

During the reporting period, the Union submitted 15 notifications of final regulatory action (FRA) to the Rotterdam Convention (compared to 19 in 2020-2021, 9 in 2018-2019, 1 in 2016-2017 and 5 in 2014-2015). Notifications of final regulatory action are the means used by Parties to inform other Parties through the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat of their actions to ban or severely restrict a chemical for human health or environmental reasons. Out of the 15 notifications, 14 were on chemicals banned or severely restricted as pesticides while 1 was on chemicals severely restricted as industrial chemicals in the Union.

In the same period, the Union also provided 9 explicit consent responses to Parties to the Rotterdam Convention or other countries.

Finally, the Union responded to 10 ad hoc questions received from authorities or organisations of importing countries, similar number as in the previous reporting period (9). As before, most of the questions related to the regulatory status in the Union of chemicals being exported, as well as related to details of the processes under the PIC Regulation.


Fonte: ECHA


Tags: Chemicals Abbonati Chemicals Regolamento PIC Guida ECHA

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