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Guidance on labelling and packaging CLP | Version 4.2 2021

ID 14325 | | Visite: 2291 | Documenti Riservati ChemicalsPermalink:

Guidance on labelling packaging Regulation 1272 2008 4 2 2021

Guidance on labelling and packaging CLP | Version 4.2 2021

Version March 4.2 2021

This document describes specific provisions for the labelling and packaging of chemical substances and mixtures under Titles III and IV of the Regulation (EC) N° 1272/2008 (the CLP Regulation or “CLP”). The aim of this document is to assist manufacturers, importers, downstream users and distributors of substances and mixtures in the effective application of the CLP Regulation.

This guidance includes relevant amendments from the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 8th Adaptations to Technical Progress (ATPs) to the CLP Regulation, as well as the changes brought about by the ATP to the CLP Regulation related to labelling and packaging of liquid laundry detergents in a soluble packaging for single use (Regulation (EU) N° 1297/2014).

This document also includes relevant changes introduced by Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/542, which amends the CLP Regulation by adding Annex VIII on harmonised information relating to emergency health response.

Update to implement the amendment of the legal text due to Commission Delegated Regulation 2020/1677 and Commission Delegated Regulation 2020/1676 of 31 August 2020 (the “workability amendments”) and limited to:

- Clarification of exemption from labelling requirements for bespoke paints (new section 5.3.3);
- New example of application of the labelling requirements for a bespoke paint (new section 6.3);
Minor changes and clarification in the rest of the document

Fonte: ECHA


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ECHA, March 2021
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Tags: Chemicals Regolamento CLP Abbonati Chemicals Guida ECHA

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