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Assessment EU Green Public Procurement criteria for four product groups

ID 17481 | | Visite: 1719 | Documenti Ambiente UEPermalink:

Assessment EU Green Public Procurement criteria for four product groups 2022

Assessment of the European Union Green Public Procurement criteria for four product groups / EC 2022

ID 17491 | 30.08.2022 / in allegtao

Assessment of the European Union Green Public Procurement criteria for four product groups:

- Electrical and electronic equipment used in the health care sector,
- Copying and graphic paper,
- Waste water infrastructure,
- Water-based heaters

Public authorities in the European Union (EU) are major consumers. The European Union Green Public Procurement (EU GPP) policy provides guidance on how to reduce the environmental impacts caused by the consumption of the public sector.

Although the EU GPP is a voluntary tool, it stimulates eco-innovation, by setting verifiable environmental criteria for public procurement of products and services. Its role is particularly relevant within the Circular Economy Action Plan, which fosters sustainable consumption. The European Commission has developed EU GPP criteria for 20 product groups.

The fitness for use of these criteria needs to be periodically assessed because changes occurred in recent years could affect their suitability and effectiveness.

These changes could be related to technological developments, the regulatory and strategic context, and other factors.

This report aims to assess the fitness for use of the EU GPP criteria for four product groups:

- Electrical and electronic equipment used in the health care sector (Health Care EEE)  published in 2014 (see Section 2);
Copying and graphic paper - published in 2008 (see Section 3);
Waste water treatment infrastructure - published in 2013 (see Section 4); 
- Water-based heaters – published in 2014 (see Section 5).

The study was carried out by desk research, and developed in the context of the Administrative Arrangement ’Scientific support to Green Public Procurement (GPP 2018)’ between the Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC). The assessment of each product group followed the same framework: 

- introduction to the specific product group; 
- background; 
- regulatory and strategic context; 
- analysis and discussion of current criteria; 
- results of the assessment for the specific product group.

Footnotes contain hidden hyperlinks, which lead to specific webpages last consulted on 18 October 2021


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