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Broadband investment handbook 2024

ID 21564 | | Visite: 820 | ComunicazioniPermalink:

Broadband Investment Handbook 2024

Broadband investment handbook 2024

ID 21564 | 23.03.2024

This handbook aims to assist public authorities in planning, implementing, and monitoring broadband projects within their territories. It primarily addresses the deployment of access and backhaul segments of fixed broadband networks and the adoption of broadband services. Additionally, the forthcoming version of the handbook will incorporate insights from other domains, particularly mobile broadband networks.

The handbook’s structure builds on the ‘The high-speed broadband investment guide’ published in 2015. It has been comprehensively updated to encompass the latest technological, policy, regulatory, and financial developments. Notably, a new chapter on State aid has been introduced to reflect the updated Broadband State Aid Guidelines and other developments.

The handbook is structured in eight chapters.

Chapter 1 Introduction of key concepts and context
Chapter 2 The importance of designing a broadband plan

Chapters 3 to 6 present the four critical strategic choices that public authorities must make to fulfil the objectives set out in their broadband plans:

Chapter 3 Investment model The public authority’s role concerning the implementation, operation, ownership, and management of the infrastructure.
Chapter 4 Network type The factors that a public authority should consider in making infrastructure and technology decisions.
Chapter 5 Business model The advantages and disadvantages of each business model.
Chapter 6 Financing tools The alternative financial tools available to a public authority for supporting capital and operational expenditure.
Chapter 7 Action plan and execution Once these choices are made, an action plan needs to be defined and executed. As explained in Chapter 7, this process must be monitored closely to ensure that the broadband plan goals are achieved.
Chapter 8 Broadband investment and State aid
Finally, Chapter 8 gives an overview of State aid rules, explaining their rationale and how they apply to broadband development projects.

The present Handbook has been prepared by Marco Forzati (contract SMART 2018 0019) and Pietro Pantalissi (in his personal capacity), and is available on the European Commission website.

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