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Plan to Reduce European Union’s Reliance on Russian Natural Gas

ID 15951 | | Visite: 1519 | News ImpiantiPermalink:

A 10 Point Plan to Reduce the European Union s  Reliance on Russian Natural Gas

A 10-Point Plan to Reduce the European Union’s  Reliance on Russian Natural Gas

IEA, 3 March 2022

Measures implemented this year could bring down gas imports from Russia by over one-third, with additional temporary options to deepen these cuts to well over half while still lowering emissions

1. No new gas supply contracts with Russia
2. Replace Russian supplies with gas from alternative sources
3. Introduce minimum gas storage obligations to enhance market resilience
4. Accelerate the deployment of new wind and solar projects
5. Maximise generation from existing dispatchable low-emissions sources: bioenergy and nuclear
6. Enact short-term measures to shelter vulnerable electricity consumers from high prices
7. Speed up the replacement of gas boilers with heat pumps
8. Accelerate energy efficiency improvements in buildings and industry
9. Encourage a temporary thermostat adjustment by consumers
10. Step up efforts to diversify and decarbonise sources of power system flexibility

Scarica questo file (Plan to Reduce the European Union’s  Reliance on Russian Natural Gas.pdf)Plan to Reduce the European Union’s Reliance on Russian Natural Gas
IEA 2022
EN1709 kB245

Tags: Impianti Impianti gas

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