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Best Available Techniques for Acetylene Production

ID 10091 | | Visite: 2738 | Documenti Riservati AmbientePermalink:

Doc 226 20

Best Available Techniques for Acetylene Production

Doc. 226/20 Best Available Techniques for Acetylene Production

This publication provides guidance to EIGA members, specifically to site managers, technical managers, and company environmental specialists on some best available techniques for Acetylene production in the industrial gases industry.

The publication provides guidance on compliance with EC Directive 2008/1/EC Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control, which has been recast into EC Directive 2010/75/EU Industrial Emissions and associated BREFs.


This EIGA publication provides guidance to EIGA members specifically to site managers, technical managers, and company environmental specialists on some best available techniques for acetylene production by wet hydrolysis, which is the principal method used to produce acetylene for distribution in cylinders and packs for welding and other applications. It represents the EIGA contribution to the EU Best Available Technique Reference Document (BREF) being organised by the European IPPC Bureau. Local legislation shall also be applied.

Scope and purpose

This publication provides guidance on compliance with the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control). This covers acetylene production in Annex I Section 4.1a Production of organic chemicals, simple hydrocarbons and associated BREFs.

The main objectives are to:

- propose techniques deemed as best and available for acetylene production in the industrial gases industry;
- gather data to support conclusions on Best Available Techniques;
- encourage consistency with associated BREFs about acetylene production; and
- contribute to any aspects of the European IPPC Bureau’s reference document on large volume organic chemical production.


Fonte: EIGA


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EIGA 2020
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Tags: Ambiente Emissioni Abbonati Ambiente

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