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Waste prevention in Europe - The status in 2013

ID 1854 | | Visite: 4317 | Documenti Ambiente UEPermalink:

Waste prevention in Europe - The status in 2013

The Waste Framework Directive sets a legal obligation for European Union (EU) Member States to adopt waste prevention programmes by 12 December 2013.

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has been asked to review the progress of the 'completion and implementation of the programmes' annually (EU, 2008).

This report presents a first review of waste prevention programmes across Europe.

EU 2014

Scarica questo file (Waste prevention in Europe - the status in 2013.pdf)Waste prevention in Europe - the status in 2013
EU 2015
EN2045 kB1122

Tags: Ambiente Rifiuti

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