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Understanding Product Environmental Footprint and Organisation Environmental Footprint methods

ID 17782 | | Visite: 1471 | Documenti Ambiente UEPermalink:

Understanding Product Environmental Footprint and Organisation Environmental Footprint methods

Understanding Product Environmental Footprint and Organisation Environmental Footprint methods

ID 17782 | 07.10.2022

The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the Organisation Environmental Footprint (OEF) are life cycle assessment (LCA) based methods to measure and communicate the potential life cycle environmental impact of products (goods or services) and organisations, respectively.

Together they form the basis for the EU Environmental Footprint. This report aims to describe the elements that characterise the environmental footprint and guide the reader in understanding the fundamentals of the methodology and the tools available for its application. Beginning with a description of the principles of the LCA, additional aspects introduced by the PEF and OEF are discussed, including the system of product environmental footprint category rules and organisation environmental footprint sector rules.


Fonte: JRC 2022


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