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Linee guida OMS sulle acque di balneazione

ID 11395 | | Visite: 2219 | Documenti AmbientePermalink:

Linee guida OMS Acque di balneazione

Linee guida OMS sulle acque di balneazione

Guidelines for safe recreational water environments 

OMS, 2003

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been concerned with health aspects of the management of water resources for many years and publishes various documents concerning the safety of the water environment and its importance for health. These include a number of normative “guidelines” documents, such as the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality and the Guidelines for Safe Use of Wastewater and Excreta in Agriculture and Aquaculture.

Documents of this type are intended to provide a basis for standard setting. They represent a consensus view among experts on the risk to health represented by various media and activities and on the effectiveness of control measures in protecting health.

They are based on critical review of the available evidence. Wherever possible and appropriate, such guidelines documents also describe the principal characteristics of the monitoring and assessment of the safety of the medium under consideration as well as the principal factors affecting decisions to be made in developing strategies for the control of the health hazards concerned.


Fonte: OMS


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