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BEMP | Settore Costruzioni

ID 16848 | | Visite: 1699 | Regolamento EMASPermalink:

BEMP Construction Sector

Best environmental management practice for the building and construction sector / 2012

ID 16848 | 15.06.2022

On 25 November 2009, the Council and the European Parliament adopted the proposed revision of the EcoManagement and Audit Scheme (EMAS) regulation (EC) No 1221/2009, which went into force on 11 January, 2010. One of the new elements of this revised regulation is Article 46 stating that sectoral reference documents (SRD) on best environmental management practice (Article 46) shall be developed which shall contain best environmental management practices, sector-specific environmental performance indicators and, where appropriate, benchmarks of excellence and rating systems identifying environmental performance levels.

Objective of this document

In the future, the aforementioned reference documents shall be elaborated for a range of sectors identified as priorities for EMAS regulation based inter alia on their environmental impact and/or their suitability for EMAS uptake.

The list of priority sectors is established in the communication from the Commission 2011/C 358/02 ‘Establishment of the working plan setting out an indicative list of sectors for the adoption of sectoral and cross-sectoral reference documents’.

This SRD for the building and construction sector was compiled by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), part of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. This is a pilot SRD that may become a reference for further reference documents.

Information sources

For drafting this document, a lot of information is already publicly available from various sources including a number of comprehensive reports.

That information has been considered with information collected directly from stakeholders, including construction, companies, public administrations, consultancy firms, non-governmental organisations, and technology providers. A number of site visits proved to be very useful for obtaining technical and performance data and information on economic considereations.

Intention of this document EMAS is a voluntary scheme.

This document is intended to support environmental improvement efforts of all actors in the construction sector. Consequently this document is not only for EMAS registered organisations but for all actors in the sector with or without a certified or registered environmental management system. However, EMAS registered organisations, shall take into account the relevant sectoral reference document(s) when assessing their environmental performance. The same applies to the EMAS environmental verifiers when checking the requirements according to Article 18 of the EMAS regulation.
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