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Technical Rules for Biological Agents (TRBA)

ID 17642 | | Visite: 1630 | Documenti Sicurezza EntiPermalink:


Technical Rules for Biological Agents (TRBA)

ID 17642 | BAuA / TRBA

The "Technical Rules for Biological Agents (TRBA)" and "Resolutions of the Committee for Biological Agents (ABAS) on requirements for activities with biological agents in special cases" reflect the state of requirements in terms of safety, occupational health, hygiene and work science with respect to activities involving the handling of biological agents. They are drawn up and adapted in accordance with developments by the Committee for Biological Agents - Ausschuss für Biologische Arbeitsstoffe (ABAS).

In allegato le seguenti Technical Rules for Biological Agents (TRBA):

TRBA 100 Protective measures for activities involving biological agents in laboratories
TRBA 130 Occupational safety measures in acute biohazard situations
TRBA 200 Requirements for professional expertise in accordance with the Biological Agents Ordinance
TRBA 220 Safety and health for activities involving biological agents in sewage plants
TRBA 230 Protective measures for activities involving biological agents in agriculture and forestry and comparable activities
TRBA 240 Protective measures for activities involving microbially contaminated archival materials
TRBA 250 Biological agents in health care and welfare facilities
TRBA 400 Guideline for risk assessment and for the instruction of employees regarding activities involving biological agents
TRBA 450 Criteria for the classification of biological agents
TRBA 466 Classification of prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) into risk groups
TRBA 500 Basic measures to be taken for activities involving biological agents
Resolution 610 Protective measures for activities outside of special isolation units involving the care of patients infected with highly pathogenic organisms or suspected of having a disease

Fonte: BAuA Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 


Scarica questo file (TRBA-100.pdf)TRBA 100
BAuA 2013
EN227 kB158

Tags: Sicurezza lavoro Rischio biologico Abbonati Sicurezza

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